Monday, February 20, 2012

Documents you need to Object

NY Registered voters  have only until this Tuesday Feb. 21, 2012 to object to Romney being on the Ballot in NY State for President.
The Board of Elections must rule on your objections.
If you think they rule wrong, you will have standing as an objector to to sue them.
If someone else thinks they ruled wrong, they must notify you personally that they are suing the Board.
It will cost you some paper and some postage. 
1 - Copy  and Paste the text of four postings  on this blog, into four new documents on your Word Processor.
   They are:   these instructions;
                                     General Objection; and
                                     Specification of Objections [This version is still being edited.]
                                     Service...(Proof you mailed it to the addressee);

2 - Use your word processor to edit-in your voter identifying information, as you are registered in NY State.
     Delete what In the Specification of Objections you don't agree with.
     The "Natural Born" issue has much historical support in NY.
      Only Natural Born Citizens [having 2 Citizen Parents] could own early NY mines, and there is case law on this definition.
3 - Print 3 copies of the  Specification of Objections, and 2 copies each of the other two documents.

4 - Sign and date the General Objection; and the Specification of Objections [all copies].
5 - The General Objection must be postmarked in the Mail to the Board Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2012.
The other 2 papers can be as late as Friday Feb. 24, 2012.
There is still work to be done on the Specification of Objections.
 6- Go to your post office  and Certified Mail a copy of the Specification of Objections to:

Miss Megan Sowards
Deputy General counsel for Mitt Romney
585 Commercial Street
Boston, MA 02109
 this Friday, 2/24/2012 [your deadline for mailing the Specification of  Objection] her address is also are in the documents.  I'm looking for some more information from Albany before I finalize the Specific Objections.
 7- Save the two Certified Mail Receipts.
6 -  Immediately sign the Certificate of Service. 
7 - Attach the  two Certified Mail Receipts to the Certificate of Service.
(Affidavit with notary is optional, but the NY State Board of Elections insists on receiving the certified or registered mail receipts so it knows you really sent the documents to the two people above.
You can mail this to the Board up to 2 days after you file your Specification of Objections, but why wait?)
8- Then  put into an envelope to the NY State Board of Elections [address in the documents] these Enclosures:
   General Objections - signed & dated
   Specification of Objections - signed & dated
   Certificate of Service - signed & dated - [optionally notarized]
   2 Certified Mail Receipts
9. Get the Envelope postmarked by asking the Postman at the Post Office window to postmark it as you hand it to him to mail. [Postmarks are no longer always made otherwise.]
  4 word.doc files
You now have standing in New York to help save the world from Obama.

NY State has put this objection procedure into place to defeat anti-establishment candidates before they even get started. The political bosses have made it deliberately tricky and cumbersome.
If  many of you object, their own objection procedure would make it procedurally hard for the Establishment  to counter a successful objection.
Why not give it a try?
You can contact me from Sunday Morning through Friday at
If you can improve the documents, tell me. My General Objections are now on file. I'll file specifics soon.
After Friday I'll probably monitor that email less frequently.
Or you can comment on this page.

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